Tropical Health

Health in the Tropics is fascinating for a whole host of reasons; on a personal level it asks me to explore more deeply a big part my family history, but also, we are encouraged to look at health from an animal and environmental viewpoint as well as a human one.

By Spring 2019, we will be back with stories from the field. The goal is to be light-hearted & accessible to anyone with an interest in tropical medicine and health – but also to explore deeply exactly what makes these complex issues, that the Global Health community faces, just so beautiful and equally tragic to ignore.

Some old, early, young, stories:

Border Cross

Interviews from the field #1: Mum’s the Word

Paradoxic Pandemic: The Inexorable Spread

A Physician, A Scientist and an Epi-Nerd walk into Ebola

Reservoir Dogs

TB or not TB? That is the question.

These woes ain’t Royal

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